The Office of Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness (RAE) is responsible for gathering and sharing data about Prince George's Community College. Teams across the college use this data to help them make better decisions in their work.

Mission Statement

The Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness office empowers college leadership, faculty, and staff to make decisions and take actions that benefit students and advance organizational excellence by providing accurate data analysis and reporting, facilitating evidence-based dialogue, and conducting ongoing assessment of student learning and institutional effectiveness.

Information We Provide


Prince George's Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), which involves regular self-study and a site visit that helps confirm our commitment to student success.

More About Our Accreditation

IE Process

IE Process

The Institutional Effectiveness (IE) process is an annual process where all Areas of the college meet with their respective teams (IE units) to review and develop objectives related to the Strategic Goals of the College.  Next, each IE unit is expected to:

  • Adopt appropriate Area objectives, perform activities and tasks associated with the objectives, collect impact data, and determine if objectives werecompleted and if they had the expected impact
  • Track unit performance metrics, look at trends, and determine if targets were met
  • Hold annual unit retreats to engage in reflection of the work during the past year and plan for the next
  • Every four years, the unit performs a self-evaluation and prepares a Unit Assessment Review document

    IE Cycle Document - pdf

IR/Analytics and Reporting

IR/Analytics and Reporting

In the RAE office, Analytics and Reporting is responsible for the preparation and coordination of federal, state, and other mandatory reporting.  They also manage and administer the College's business intelligence tool (Business Objects) with Enterprise Technology.  This includes working with users to build reports, provide training, and warehouse maintenance.  Analytics and Reporting collaborates with Enterprise Technology to maintain the servers, security, and transfer of data from Colleague to Business Objects.

Fast Facts Report (Updated Annually - Last Update: November 2023)

Economic Impact Analysis 2021 - PGCC

2023 Performance Accountability Report (PAR)

MACC Databook

Environmental Scan - Prince George's County - PGCC

SLO Assessment Process

PGCC's Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) process is focused primarily on the direct measurement of its students.  Data are collected from students in their courses and then aggregated to assess learning outcomes for courses, programs/certificates, and student core competencies (general education learning outcomes).  The SLOA process has a five-year cycle for completing the assessment of every program outcome and every Student Core Competency.  This means that program-required courses that meet program outcomes, including capstone courses, will be assessed withing five years.  Additionally, high-enrollment general education courses that align with the Student Core Competencies are assessed within five years. 

SLOA at PGCC General Guide

Survey Resource Center (SRC)

The Survey Resource Center within the Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness (RAE) office assists with survey development, implementation, and/or analysis. Use this service to notify RAE of large surveys taking place at the College and/or request assistance with the survey. Please use the following guidelines to determine if you need to notify RAE of your survey:

1. For any survey that is sent to fewer than 50 people at the College, it is recommended but not required to notify RAE. Please note that you can still request assistance on the survey from the RAE office using this service request.

2. For any survey that is sent to more than 50 people at the College, RAE should be contacted, and the survey will be placed on RAE’s internal survey calendar.

3. For any survey that is sent to 500 or more people at the College, RAE should be contacted, and the survey will be placed on the College’s survey calendar (myPGCC Survey Resource Center portal page).

Before completing an askPGCC request, please read the attached Survey Resource Center Checklist.

 Survey Resource Center Checklist

Institutional Review Board

All people, entities, agencies, and organizations are required to request and receive permission from the PGCC Institutional Review Board (IRB) before conducting any data collection from students, staff, or faculty of the college.

Before you submit a proposal, please carefully review all IRB instructions and forms. Incomplete proposals cannot be considered.

PGCC Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures

PGCC IRB Application

PGCC IRB Modification Request

PGCC IRB Annual Continuation Request

Completed proposals (including all supporting documents) and any questions regarding research at PGCC should be sent to

Contact Us

Dr. Lauralea Edwards

Ms. Angela Carey

Dr. Shari Jurik 

Ms. Julia Conte 

Ms. Nancy Waressen

Ms. Christina Fetzko

Mr. Derek Deeney

Ms. Nicole Butler